Wedding Planning Career 2011

Wedding jobs, or specifically wedding coordinator jobs are mostly about helping people to realize and achieve their Because planning a wedding can be a complex and time-consuming process and the end result is often expensive, more couples are turning to help from wedding planners to ensure everything is covered and to get the best value. You could be part of it if you enjoy planning and organizing. The Market For Wedding Jobs This sounds to me like a whopping market for wedding jobs! about $40 BILLION is spent on weddings every year in the U.S.

The average budget for a wedding is now estimated to be $28,000+. USA Wedding Statistics. There are about 2.5 million weddings every year in the United States. about £6 BILLION is spent on weddings every year in the U.K. Even if you've never thought about this as a career option before, you might consider these data before you discard the idea: UK Wedding Statistics. There were 270,000 weddings in the UK in 2007, a fall of 2.7 per cent since 2006. The average overall cost of getting married is £22,858 (up from £21,901 in 2007)

If so there are wedding jobs available and becoming a wedding planner may be an option for you to consider. Do you prefer not to be stuck in an office working 9 - 5?  How To Save Money. Even If It's Your Own Wedding Wedding jobs are in demand if you are you good with people and enjoy planning and organizing.