And Now Outrageous Ideas For Unique Wedding Gifts 2011

Go simple and small with a curbside appeal Bring in a landscaper-designer. The last major area for a suggestion is their yard. It may be said that this shows how to feed a healthy relationship.

It may be a new stove or oven, refrigerator, or dishwasher to a cabinet upgrade to a complete kitchen rehab. The second is some type of improvement to their kitchen. This can reflect a renewal of intimacy of the couple's relationship. The first set of ideas that come to mind are a Jacuzzi tub, fancy dual shower, bathroom remodel, or a hot tub/spa. If you can financially afford it, fine, otherwise maybe you can get a family or friends group together to pool your funds for the project of your combined choice.

These may be on the pricier side. What follows here are a few outrageous ideas for just that kind of wedding gift for the newlyweds that have everything. It is not like the past where newlyweds needed everything from towels and sheets to all sorts of kitchen supplies. Whatever the case, the million dollar question is what in the world do you get for the wedding couple who has everything? In some cases the long wait may be due to cold feet, a tiff among families, same-sex marriages now being legally recognized, etc.

These couples may be together 5, 10, 20, or 40 years or more before the actual marriage ceremony.  As we have seen in the past twenty to forty years or so, more and more couples are living together before marriage.